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The Retirement Dinner
The Western Widget Co. honors Herb Herbert for his career.
February 3, 2003
From the introduction, the chairs at the head table are designated A-H going from left to right facing the table; Herb was in chair D and Harriet in chair E. By clue 1, then, the seating at the head table alternated man-woman; the three women who honored Herb thus sat in chairs A, C, and G and the three men in B, F, and H. By clue 4, the person who spoke 4th sat between Kate and the CEO; the person who spoke 4th must be one of the men and sat in chair B, flanked in some order by Kate and another woman. The company CFO sat next to Harriet (6). By clue 8, then, Wendy sat in chair G, Dorn is the CFO, and the Senior Engineer sat in chair H. Since Mr. Rock isn't the Senior Engineer (11), he must be the 4th speaker who sat in chair B. Barry then is Dorn (5). By clue 1, the six speakers honored Herb in alternating male-female order. Since the one who spoke 4th is a man, the other men spoke 2nd and 6th; and the women spoke 1st, 3rd, and 5th. By clue 7, the 2nd (male) and 3rd (female) speakers sat next to each other; the woman who honored Herb 3rd must have sat in chair G, with the 2nd speaker in F or H. By clue 10, the VP for Human Resources, Barry, and Ms. Walker spoke in consecutive order. Since the speakers alternated male-female (1), and since Barry isn't 4th speaker Rock, the woman who is VP for Human Resources spoke 1st, Barry 2nd, and Wendy Walker 3rd. By clue 3, Singer sat in chair C. Two of the women are the CEO (4) and the VP for Human Resources (10). By clue 2, the third woman is the VP for Technology. Since Wendy isn't the CEO (4) or VP for Human Resources (10), she is VP for Technology. Stan is then the Senior Engineer (2). The third man is the VP for Sales and must be Mr. Rock, who, by elimination, is Randy. Stan was the 6th speaker. He isn't Jenner (2), who then sat in chair A; Stan is Keaton. Joan isn't Jenner (9) and is Singer; Kate is Jenner. By clue 4, Joan is the CEO and Kate VP for Human Resources. Kate spoke 1st (10) and Joan 5th. In sum the seating and speaking arrangements at Herb's retirement dinner were as follows:

  • A - Kate Jenner, VP for Human Resources, 1st speaker
  • B - Randy Rock, VP for Sales, 4th speaker
  • C - Joan Singer, CEO, 5th speaker
  • D - Herb Herbert
  • E - Harriet Herbert
  • F - Barry Dorn, CFO, 2nd speaker
  • G - Wendy Walker, VP for Technology, 3rd speaker
  • H - Stan Keaton, Senior Engineer, 6th speaker

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