Last Saturday, five friends who love the other white meat had dinner
together at the Pig Out, a Summerset restaurant specializing in pork
dishes. Each of the five, who sat at a round table in the rustic dining
room, had a different meal off the Pig Out menu--one ordered smoked
sausage--and each had a different drink to go with it--one having a
Coca Cola. Given the clues below, can you determine, in clockwise
order, how the five were seated around the table: each diner's full
name and the pork dish and drink on which he pigged out?
- Carl sat to Parker's immediate right.
- Neither Fred nor the man who ordered the pulled pork sandwich was
seated next to Brown.
- The man seated to Smith's immediate left wasn't Larry.
- Davis sat to the immediate left of the diner who enjoyed the Pig
Out's pork chop dinner.
- Neither the man who made a mess of himself with the barbecue spareribs
nor the one who drank coffee with his meal sat next to Jim.
- Wilkins and the man who had lemonade sat next to each other.
- Parker isn't the man who ordered pork chops.
- Brown didn't get the barbecue spareribs.
- Carl, Davis, and the man who had the pulled pork sandwich all call
the Pig Out their favorite restaurant.
- Smith and the diner who had iced tea with his meal weren't seated next
to each other.
- Bill sat immediately next to the man who had roast pork and the one who
drank a Sprite.
- The pulled pork sandwich lover didn't have coffee with it.
- Fred's drink wasn't the Sprite.