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Call a Cab
Taxis take fares to Saturday dinner in downtown Summerset.
January 5, 2004
By clue 6, the 4th call was to take a fare to the Marrakesh. By clue 1, the call for the trip to the Golden Dragon was at the earliest 3rd, as was the fare to the K. C. Steakhouse (clue 4). Therefore, either the Golden Dragon run was the 3rd and the K. C. Steakhouse fare the 5th or vice versa. If the K. C. Steakhouse fare were 3rd and the Golden Dragon 5th, by clue 4, the 1st cab would have been dispatched to River Way and the 2nd fare would have gone to a City cab. Since the Triangle cab didn't pick up the fare at River Way (7), by clue 1, the Triangle cab would have been the 3rd dispatched, with the 4th fare then picked up on Hill Ave. By clue 3, the Purple cab would have made the 4th and the American cab the 5th pickup. However, since the Elm Ct. fare wasn't picked up by the American cab and wasn't taken to the K. C. Steakhouse (8), there is no way for clue 5 to work. So, the 3rd fare was taken to the Golden Dragon and the 5th to the K. C. Steakhouse, with the 1st fare going in a Triangle cab and the 2nd being picked up on Hill Ave. (1). Since the Triangle cab didn't pick up the River Way fare (7), by clue 4, the River Way fare went to the Golden Dragon and the City cab took the fare to the Marrakesh. By clue 3, the 2nd dispatch was a Purple cab and the 3rd an American cab. By elimination, the 5th fare rode in a New cab. Since by clue 8 the Elm Ct. fare didn't go to the K. C. Steakhouse, the Elm Ct. fare went to the Marrakesh and the Church St. dispatch was 1st (5). Then the fare who went to the K. C. Steakhouse was picked up on Lake Blvd. By clue 2, the Church St. fare went to the Dockside, with the 2nd fare going to the Bangkok Delight. In sum, the first five dispatches were as follows:

  • 1st - Triangle cab, Church St. to the Dockside
  • 2nd - Purple cab, Hill Ave. to the Bangkok Delight
  • 3rd - American cab, River Way to the Golden Dragon
  • 4th - City cab, Elm Ct. to the Marrakesh
  • 5th - New cab, Lake Blvd. to the K. C. Steakhouse

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