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A Game of Monopoly
Who wins and who goes bankrupt in the classic board game?
February 23, 2004
From the introduction, the six players were three girls--Allison, Linda, and Maria--and three boys--Drew, Eric, and Mike; the five who lost went bankrupt one at a time, with the winner remaining solvent at the end of the game. By clue 9, Linda went bankrupt immediately before the Parker boy (clue 2) did, while the Parker boy directly preceded the player who owned the Blue properties out of the game. By clue 12, Mike went bankrupt right before the player who had the Automobile as a token. So, between the two clues, either all five losers are named or there is some overlap. If all five losers are given in clues 9 and 12, either Linda went bankrupt 1st and Mike 4th, or Mike went bankrupt 1st and Linda went bankrupt 3rd. If Linda had gone bankrupt 1st, the Parker boy 2nd, the player with the Blue properties 3rd (9), Mike 4th, and the one who used the Automobile as a token 5th (12), the player who owned the Green properties would have won the game (12). By clue 1, Eric would have had houses on the Blue properties and Mike on the Yellow. Then by clue 1, the person with the Battleship as a token would have owned the Green set--no (4). So, clues 9 and 12 don't list the five losers with Linda 1st out of the game. If all five losers are listed in the two clues with Mike going bankrupt 1st, the player using the Automobile token 2nd (12), Linda 3rd, the Parker boy 4th, and the player with the Blue properties 5th, since neither the Parker boy (2) nor Linda (15) had the Green set, the player with the Green properties would have won the game (12). By clue 5, Allison would have played with the Automobile token. Then by clue 1, Eric would be the Parker boy, but there is no way for the rest of the clue to work. So, there must be some overlap between clues 9 and 12. Linda didn't use the Automobile as her token (15). Therefore, either Mike is the Parker boy or bought the Blue properties. If Mike had bought the Blue set, by clues 9 and 12, in consecutive order 1st to last, these children would have gone bankrupt: Linda, the Parker boy, Mike with the Blue properties, and the player who had the Automobile as a token. By clue 1, either Eric would have played with the Automobile token, or Eric would have preceded Linda into bankruptcy. If Eric had played with the Automobile as his token, the player who owned the Yellow set would have been the 5th and last loser (1). Then the player who bought the Green properties would have won the game (12), using the Battleship token (1)--a conflict with clue 4. If Eric had preceded Linda out of the game, by clue 5, Allison would have used the Automobile token and would have been 5th and last to lose--impossible since two players were still playing after she went bankrupt (5). Therefore, Mike didn't buy the Blue properties and must be the Parker boy. Combining clues 9 and 12, then, in consecutive order Linda went bankrupt, Mike Parker lost, and the player with the Automobile token and Blue properties went bankrupt, while the player who owned the Green set was still playing. By clue 5, either Allison had the Blue set and Automobile token, Allison went bankrupt immediately after the player with the Blue properties and the Automobile token, or Allison was 1st out of the game and Linda is the Chance girl. If Allison were the one who bought the Blue set and had the Automobile token, the player with the Top Hat token would have followed Allison out of the game and the Chance girl would have been 5th to lose. By clue 1, Eric would have used the Top Hat token, the Chance girl would have had houses on the Yellow properties, and the child with the Battleship token would have won the game. However, since Eric didn't buy the Green set (8), by clue 12, the player with the Battleship token would have--no (4). If Allsion were 4th to lose with the player with the Top Hat then 5th and the Chance girl the game winner (5), Eric would have been 3rd out and Allison would have owned the Yellow properties (1). By clue 1, also, the Chance girl would have used the Battleship token, which she did not (5). Therefore by clue 5, Allison would have been 1st to go bankrupt, with the player using the Top Hat token 2nd out of the game and Linda the Chance girl. The person who owned the Green properties had enough opponents land on them to win the game (12). By clue 1, Eric used the Top hat as his token, while Linda bought the Yellow property set. Since the player with the Green properties didn't play with the Battleship (4), Mike did (1). Drew didn't win the game of Monopoly (3), so Maria did, with Drew last to go bankrupt. By clue 7, Allison owned the Purple and Eric the Red property set; Mike bought the Orange. Neither Maria (6) nor Allison (11) had the Thimble token, so Linda did. Allison had the Cannon and Maria the Flatiron (11). Drew is Waters (13). Maria's last name is Baltic (14). By clue 10, Allison is Reading. Finally, Eric's last name is Short. In sum, the game of Monopoly unfolded as follows:

  • Bankrupt 1st: Allison Reading, Cannon, Purple
  • Bankrupt 2nd: Eric Short, Top Hat, Red
  • Bankrupt 3rd: Linda Chance, Thimble, Yellow
  • Bankrupt 4th: Mike Parker, Battleship, Orange
  • Bankrupt 5th: Drew Waters, Automobile, Blue
  • Winner: Maria Baltic, Flatiron, Green

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