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Number Square 1
Put the numbers in their places in this deceptively-tough Logic Puzzle.
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March 15, 2004
A Number Square is a 3x3 arrangement with a different number 1-9 in each cell. For example, a Number Square could be:


Given the clues below, can you determine the composition of Number Square 1?

  1. The three numbers in the upper-left to lower-right diagonal sum to 24.
  2. The four numbers in the corner cells of the square add to 24.
  3. The three digits in the lower-left to upper-right diagonal sum to 14.
  4. Adding the three bottom-row numbers equals 18.
  5. Summing the three digits in the rightmost column gives 16.
  6. The number in the middle cell of the leftmost column isn't 2.

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