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Lady Godiva's Ride
Peeping Tom wasn't the only Coventry citizen to sneak a peek at the naked lady.
April 5, 2004
Neither Vin (clue 1), Roger (5), nor John (8) was the 4th or 5th man to look at Lady Godiva on her ride; so Hugh and Samson were 4th and 5th or vice versa, while Vin, Roger, and John were 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in some order. Neither the man who peeked at the naked lady as she passed The Shambles (1), High Street (5), nor the Wool Market (8) was the 1st or 5th to see her, so the men who watched at Banbury Cross and Cathedral Close were 1st and 5th or vice versa. Hugh saw Lady Godiva at neither of the latter two spots (2) and thus wasn't the 5th to peep at her; he was 4th, with Samson 5th. Neither the pardoner (clue 1), innkeeper (5), nor beggar (8) was the 1st or 2nd to sneak a peek at Lady Godiva, so the baker and minstrel were, in some order. If the baker had been the 1st and the minstrel 2nd, by clues 1 and 6, Vin would have been 3rd to look, the man who saw her pass The Shambles would have been 4th, and the pardoner would have been 5th--in Cathedral Close (7). Then the baker would have glimpsed the lady at Banbury Cross--no (4). So, the minstrel was 1st of the five to view her ladyship, with the baker 2nd. Since Samson wasn't the beggar (3), John wasn't 3rd to see her naked lady (8); nor was the John the baker (4). John was 1st to peek at Lady Godiva. If Roger had been the 3rd voyeur on the route, by clue 5, the sneak peek on High Street would have been the 4th look and the innkeeper would have been Samson. Vin would have seen her 2nd, the man in The Shambles 3rd, and the pardoner 4th (1). However, the one who saw Lady Godiva ride through The Shambles would have been the beggar--no (3). So, Vin was the 3rd Coventry citizen to peep at Lady Godiva, with the man in The Shambles and the pardoner then 4th and 5th (1). By elimination, Roger saw milady 2nd. By clue 5, then, Vin glimpsed her nude form on High Street and Hugh was the innkeeper. Vin was the beggar. Roger saw Lady Godiva pass the Wool Market (8). Samson the pardoner stole a look at the naked rider in Cathedral Close (7); John peeped at her at Banbury Cross. In sum, the five other peepers saw Lady Godiva on her ride through the streets of Coventry before Peeping Tom did as follows:

  • 1st - John the minstrel at Banbury Cross
  • 2nd - Roger the baker at the Wool Market
  • 3rd - Vin the beggar in High Street
  • 4th - Hugh the innkeeper in The Shambles
  • 5th - Samson the pardoner in Cathedral Close

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