Cycling for a Cure
Seven cyclists ride a 300-mile relay from Summerset to Ocean City.
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As part of a fundraiser to help cure cystic fibrosis, members--four men (Jeff, Rob, Tom, and Wes) and three women (Beth, Faith, and Sue)--of the Super Cyclists rode the 300 miles from Summerset to Ocean City. Each of the seven rode one leg of the distance, with riders changing in different cities--one being Autumndale--en route. Given the log of the relay below, can you solve this 5-star Logic Puzzle by finding the starting and ending points of each leg (Summerset starts the 1st and Ocean City ends the last), the mileage covered during the leg, and the full name (one last name is Young) of the cyclist pedaling that distance?

  1. The shortest leg covers 20 miles and the longest 75; no two legs are the same distance.
  2. Price's ride ended in Bayview.
  3. The 1st change of riders didn't occur in Fort Hill.
  4. Wes rode 10 miles farther than Jeff did.
  5. The leg Tom pedaled is 25 miles longer than the leg going from Glen Falls to Central City and 50 miles longer than the distance Ms. Dunn covered cycling her leg--which isn't the shortest.
  6. The last leg is 15 miles shorter than the one Koontz covered.
  7. Ives rode neither the 1st nor the last relay leg.
  8. Mr. Price rode 10 miles farther than the cyclist who rode the 1st leg, which isn't the 20-mile-long one, but pedaled 20 fewer miles than Rob did completing his leg.
  9. Moore didn't ride the last leg into Ocean City.
  10. The leg starting in Fort Hill is twice as long as the leg ending in Fort Hill.
  11. The ride ending in Glen Falls is the longest.
  12. Beth didn't ride the shortest leg.
  13. Ms. Dunn started her part of the relay in Mt. Holly.
  14. Ms. Close pedaled twice as many miles as Faith did.
  15. Rob's leg didn't start in Central City.