A Number Square is a 4x4 arrangement with a different number 0-15 in
each cell. For example, a Number Square could be:
1 12 3 2
9 8 13 7
4 15 0 11
10 14 6 5
Given the clues below, can you determine the composition of Number
Square 2?
- On the upper-left to lower-right diagonal, the upper left number minus
the number next to it down the diagonal equals 14; the lower right number
on the upper-left to lower-right diagonal minus the number next to it
up the diagonal also equals 14.
- The entry in col. 2, row 3 minus the number in col. 1, row 3 equals 7.
- The number in col. 1, row 3 minus the value in col. 1 row 4 gives 1.
- The four numbers down the leftmost column of the square add to 34.
- The sum of the four numbers in row 3 of Number Square 2 equals 24.
- Adding the four bottom-row numbers equals 37.
- Subtracting the number in col. 2, row 4 from the number in col. 3, row 4
leaves 1.
- The number in col. 3, row 1 less the number in col. 4, row 1 equals 4.
- Taking the entry in col. 4, row 2 from the value in col. 2, row 1 gives 5.