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Bette Bricabrac's Eclectic Buys
Bette goes on a buying spree at the shops along Market St.
September 13, 2004
From the introduction, the shops on Market St. are numbered in order from west-to-east 101, 103, 105, 107, and 109. From clue 1, Bette never bought consecutive items at shops next door to each other. By clue 6, Bette bought the Pat Boone LP at the shop whose neighbors are Backstage and Junque Jungle . The shop where she purchased the Pat Boone LP then must be one of the inside ones in the row, either in the middle or between the middle and the outside. If that shop were between the middle and the outside (in 103 or 107), then either Junque Jungle would be on the end and Backstage in the middle or vice versa. Trying the first case, that the shops on one end of Market St. are Junque Jungle, the one where Bette bought the LP, and Backstage, Art by Arty would be the store at the other end of the block (clue 3). If Fat Elvi's in clue 4 were between Art by Arty and Backstage, by clue 1, Bette would have bought the dolphin earrings in Jungle Junque--no (9). So Fat Elvi's would have sold Bette the Pat Boone LP and The Delightful would be between Art by Arty and Backstage. Bette then would have bought the clown poster at Junque Jungle (7, 1) and the letterman's sweater at Backstage (3, 1). Since Bette was in The Delightful immediately after buying the clown poster (7), the dolphin earrings wouldn't have been bought at The Delightful; she would have bought the pink bowling ball there. However, by clues 7 and 8, this arrangement cannot work. Therefore, the first possibility above, that the shops on one end of Market St. are Junque Jungle, the one where Bette bought the LP, and Backstage cannot work. Trying the second arrangement, that the shops on one end of Market St. are Backstage, the one where Bette bought the Pat Boone LP, and Junque Jungle, Art by Arty would be the store at the other end of the block (clue 3). If The Delightful were between Art by Arty and Junque Jungle, by clues 7 and 1, Bette would have bought the clown poster at Backstage--no (2). So, The Delightful would be where Bette bought the Pat Boone LP, with Fat Elvi's between Art by Arty and Junque Jungle. The dolphin earrings would have been bought at Backstage (4), and the letterman's sweater at Junque Jungle (3). By clues 3 and 7, the clown poster wouldn't have come from Art by Arty; Bette would have bought the clown poster at Fat Elvi's. However, clues 4 and 7 conflict given this arrangement. Therefore, the second possibility above, that the shops on one end of Market St. are Backstage, the one where Bette bought the LP, and Junque Jungle also cannot work. So, the shop where Bette bought the Pat Boone LP can't be 103 or 107 and must be 105. It is flanked by Backstage on one side and Junque Jungle on the other (6). Fat Elvi's could be 105 Market St. or one of the outside shops. If Fat Elvi's were on the end next to Backstage, Art by Arty would be on the end outside Junque Jungle (3) and The Delightful in 105. By clues 4 and 9, Bette would have bought the dolphin earrings at Art by Arty. Then the clown poster would have come from fat Elvi's (7, 1). However, the purchases at Art by Arty (4) and at The Delightful (7) would have both immediately followed the one at Fat Elvi's. If Fat Elvi's were on the end next to Junque Jungle , Art by Arty would be on the end outside Backstage (3) and The Delightful in 105. Bette wouldn't have bought the clown poster at Fat Elvi's, since The Delightful purchase then would have been the dolphin earrings (4, 7). The clown poster would have come from Art by Arty (7, 1). However, by clues 3 and 7, the letterman's sweater would have come from The Delightful. So, Fat Elvi's cannot be in one of the end shops and must be in 105. If the Delightful were next to Junque Jungle and Art by Arty next to Backstage, by clues 2, 7, and 1, Bette would have bought the clown poster at Art by Arty. Then by clues 3 and 7, she would have bought the letterman's sweater at The Delightful. However, given clue 1, there is no way for clue 4 to work given this arrangement. So, The Delightful is on the end next to Backstage, with Art by Arty on the other end. The clown poster was bought at Junque Jungle or Art by Arty (7, 1). If it were from Art by Arty, Bette would have bought the letterman's sweater at The Delightful (3, 7). However, there is no way for clue 4 to work (1). Therefore, Bette bought the clown poster at Junque Jungle. If Bette had bought the dolphin earrings at The Delightful (4, 1), clues 4 and 7 would conflict; she bought them at Art by Arty. The letterman's sweater couldn't come from The Delightful (3, 7), so the bowling ball did, with the sweater from Backstage. The sweater wasn't the 5th purchase (3). If it were the 4th, the earrings from Art by Arty would have been 3rd and the LP from Fat Elvi's 2nd. However, the clown poster and The Delightful buys would have been 1st and 5th or vice versa, impossible by clue 7. The letterman's sweater wasn't bought 2nd or 1st (3, 7). So, Bette bought the letterman's sweater 3rd, the earrings 2nd, and the Pat Boone tunes 1st. She bought the clown poster 4th and the bowling ball 5th (7). Then The Delightful is at 109 Market St. (5), with Backstage at 107, Junque Jungle at 103, and Art by Arty at 101. In sum, Bette Bricabrac's eclectic buys were as follows:

  • 2nd, dolphin earrings at Art by Arty, 101 Market St.
  • 4th, a clown poster at Junque Jungle, 103 Market St.
  • 1st, a Pat Boone LP at Fat Elvi's, 105 Market St.
  • 3rd, a letterman's sweater at Backstage, 107 Market St.
  • 5th, a bowling ball at The Delightful, 109 Market St.

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