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Visiting Doctors
Pete Pillman visits doctors with the latest information on new drugs to help patients.
November 29, 2004
By clue 7, Welby is one of the 5th-floor doctors, while Dr. Jekyll and his partner have their office on the 1st floor. Since Jekyll's partner isn't Dr. Brothers (2), by clue 5, Brothers and her partner are on the 2nd floor, with Dr. Welby being an orthopedic surgeon. By clues 1 and 5, Dr. Brothers isn't a neurologist, and Dr. Seuss isn't Welby's partner in orthopedic surgery; therefore, the neurology office is on the 1st floor, with Dr. Seuss and his partner then having space on the 3rd floor. Drs. Livingstone and Howser have their office on the 4th floor (clue 6). By clue 8, the cardiologists are on the 3rd floor and the psychiatrists on the 4th, with pediatrics then in a 2nd floor office. Dr. Spock is Brothers' partner and Dr. Casey Jekyll's (4). By clue 3, Drs. Welby and Zhivago are partners, with Dr. Scholl Dr. Seuss' associate. By clues 5, 7, and 1, Pillman visited Pediatrics on the 2nd floor, orthopedic surgery on the 5th floor, neurology on the 1st floor, and cardiology on the 3rd floor in consecutive order, either 1st-4th or 2nd-5th. Since he didn't visit psychiatry 1st (6), he visited that office 5th with the four above then 1st-4th in order. In sum, Pete Pillman called on the doctors' offices in order:

  • 1st - Dr. Brothers & Dr. Spock, pediatrics, 2nd floor
  • 2nd - Dr. Welby & Dr. Zhivago, orthopedic surgery, 5th floor
  • 3rd - Dr. Jekyll & Dr. Casey, neurology, 1st floor
  • 4th - Dr. Seuss & Dr. Scholl, cardiology, 3rd floor
  • 5th - Dr. Livingstone & Dr. Howser, psychiatry, 4th floor

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