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Five couples announce their wedding plans in the local newspaper.
January 24, 2005
From the introduction, the weddings for the five couples announcing engagements are planned for different months later in 2005--by clue 10, beginning in April with the fifth in December. Three different couples are named in each of clues 1 and 6, so that there must be some overlap between the two clues. From clues 1 and 6, 1) Eric could be getting engaged to Sara or 2) could be Mr. Knott; 3) Miss Quinn could be getting engaged to Ben, can't be Sara or Ben and Eric would be getting married the same month, or 4) could be getting wed to Mr. Knott; or 5) Vicki could be getting married to Ben (she isn't getting married to Mr. Knott (clue 9). Trying possibility 1), that Eric would be getting married to Sara, by clues 1 and 6, Ben and his fiancee would be getting married in April (10), Eric and Sara in June, Mr. Knott and his intended in July, Miss Quinn and her fiance in August, and Vicki and her finace in November--no (10). Trying possibility 3), that Miss Quinn and Ben are a couple, by clues 1 and 6, Vicki would be getting married to Mr. Knott--no (9). Trying possibility 4), that Miss Quinn could be Mr. Knott's fiancee, by clues 1 and 6, Ben and his fiancee would be getting married in April (10), Sara and her intended in June, Miss Quinn and Mr. Knott in July, Eric and his fiancee in May, and Vicki and her finace in October--no (10). Trying possibility 5), that Vicki could be getting married to Ben, by clues 1 and 6, Eric and his fiancee would be getting married in April, Miss Quinn and her fiance in June, Vicki and Ben in September, Sara and her intended in November, and Mr. Knott and his fiancee in December. By clue 5, Vicki would be Miss Noone and Chad Mr. Knott. By clue 3, Alex would be marrying Sara and Miss Parker Chad. By elimination, then, David would be getting engaged to Miss Quinn--contradicting clue 8. So, possibility 2) remains: Eric is Mr. Knott. Combining clues 1 and 6, therefore, has Ben and his fiancee setting an April wedding date, Sara and her fiancee a June one, Eric Knott and his intended a July Saturday, Miss Quinn and her future husband a September date, and Vicki and her fiancee a December wedding. By clue 5, Sara is Miss Noone and Chad is getting engaged to Miss Quinn. Alex and Sara are a couple as are Miss Parker and Eric Knott (3). By elimination, David is wedding Vicki in December. By clue 7, Alex is Goldman and Wendy Parker. Vicki is Miss Meyers, with Miss Owens the first to the altar (10). Tina is Miss Quinn and Rhonda Miss Owens (2). Then Rhonda's fiance is Mr. Hanson (4). Finally, David is Mr. Lopez and Chad Mr. Jones (8). In sum, the five couples getting engaged will wed as follows:

  • April, Rhonda Owens & Ben Hanson
  • June, Sara Noone & Alex Goldman
  • July, Wendy Parker & Eric Knott
  • September, Tina Quinn & Chad Jones
  • December, Vicki Meyers & David Lopez

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