Winkie Widget Honors
Five longtime employees get gold-plated widgets.
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Last Friday at the monthly all-hands meeting of Winkie Widget employees, company CEO Willis Winkie honored five employees having anniversaries with the firm with gold-plated widgets to display in their work areas. Each of the five, including Mr. Brown, works in a different department--one in marketing--of the company and has been with Winkie a different number of years. Given the clues below, can you find each gold-plated widget recipient's full name, the department in which he works, and the number of years he has worked at the company?

  1. The one of the five with the most service has 20 and the one with the least service has 6 years with Winkie Widgets.
  2. Bob and Mr. Green commute to work together every day.
  3. Jim has twice as many years service with the firm as the man who works in the shipping department.
  4. Tom has been a Winkie employee 6 years longer than the honoree who is in research.
  5. Mr. Grey has been with the firm longer than the production worker.
  6. Ray has been with Winkie twice as long as Mr. Green has.
  7. Mr. White isn't the one who works in the shipping department.
  8. Mr. Black has been with Winkie 8 years longer than Bob has.
  9. Dan and the honorees in the production and sales departments went out for a drink after work to celebrate their longevity.
  10. Ray and Mr. Black were also given bonuses for their outstanding work during the last 12 months.