Jigsaw Teamwork
The Locke children work together to complete a 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle.
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Last week, when their Dad bought them a new 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle, an aerial view of Niagara Falls, Aaron and his five brothers and sisters decided to work as a team in putting the puzzle together. However, instead of all attacking the jigsaw at once, the six children worked one at a time, each completing a different area of the jigsaw. The children completed the puzzle in 3 1/2 hours, each spending a different amount of time on it. Given the clues below, can you solve this Challenger Logic Puzzle by determining the order in which the six worked on the jigsaw, the part of the puzzle each put together, and the length of time he or she spent working on that part?

  1. The last three children spent a total of 2 hrs. on the puzzle.
  2. The 1st child spent 10 min. longer on the jigsaw than the last child did.
  3. Jeremy, who didn't go last, isn't the one who worked on the Rainbow Bridge or the International Falls.
  4. These three children worked on the jigsaw in consecutive order: Rachel, then the one who worked on Goat Island, and then the one who spent 40 min. on a section of the puzzle
  5. Courtney immediately followed her sibling who put together the American Falls; Courtney spent 40 min. less on the puzzle than the child who worked on the American Falls did.
  6. Michael, who wasn't 1st to work on the jigsaw, worked on the puzzle earlier than the child who put together the Canadian side.
  7. Kristin spent half as long on the jigsaw as her sibling who put together the Maid of the Mist immediately after Kristin did her part.
  8. The child who put together the International Falls didn't work the least amount of time, 10 min., that one of the six spent.
  9. Courtney didn't put together Goat Island.
  10. The child who worked on the difficult Maid of the Mist isn't Rachel.
  11. The longest any of the six spent on the Niagara Falls jigsaw was 1 hr.