In the early 22nd century, colonists from Earth settled the six planets,
one of which they named Dawn, orbiting the star they called New Sun.
Each group of settlers arrived in the New Sun system aboard a different
Earth Fleet starship, and each of the planets proved rich in a prized
element, one planet having huge deposits of rhodium. Given the logs
below, can you find the order closest-to-farthest the six planets are
from New Sun, the starship that brought the planet's colonists from
Earth, and the element the settlers mine from the planet?
- These three planets are consecutive from closest to farthest
from the New Sun: da Vinci, the planet colonized by travelers
brought on Invincible, and the planet with vast uranium
- Terra Nova, which isn't the planet with the large platinum reserves,
isn't farthest of the six from New Sun.
- Gagarin isn't the planet settled by passengers who arrived aboard
the Henry Hudson.
- The uranium deposits, which aren't on Prometheus, are not on the
planet colonized by settlers brought by the Admiral Picard.
- The Invincible settlers, who didn't colonize Anthem, aren't
the ones in the New Sun system who are mining silver.
- These three planets are consecutive from closest to farthest
from New Sun: Prometheus, the planet with massive gold reserves,
and the planet settled by passengers on the John Glenn.
- The planet Anthem is closer to New Sun than the planet where chromium
is mined but is farther from New Sun than the planet settled by
passengers from the Emperor Ming.
- The settlers who arrived aboard the John Glenn didn't colonize
da Vinci.
- These three planets are consecutive from closest to farthest
from New Sun: the planet colonized by the settlers who arrived on
Nina IV, the planet with huge silver deposits, and Gagarin.