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Door Prize Winners
Family fun outings are won at the annual Daughter-Father Dinner.
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February 12, 2007
At the 2007 St. Aloysius Daughter-Father Dinner, Erin and her father were among the five Daughter-Father pairs who won door prizes, each of which is for a family outing at a different local entertainment complex. Given the information below, you should be able to find the full names of each prize-winning Daughter and Father (one dad is Neil and one surname is Quayle) and the door prize she and he won.

  1. Kevin, who isn't Mr. Simms, and his daughter didn't win the evening of fun and games at Barry's Bowlarama.
  2. Neither Jack nor Mr. Tarr is Caitlin's father.
  3. Peter and his daughter, whose door prize isn't the day at Great Adventures Park, and the Riveras helped set up for the dinner.
  4. The door prize Mr. Quayle and his daughter won is neither the Alpine Meadows Ski Lodge outing nor the Senator Theater play tickets.
  5. Peter and his daughter and the daughter-father pair who won the Barry's Bowlarama door prize discussed trading prizes but decided not to.
  6. Beth and her father aren't the Tarrs or the Wilsons.
  7. Debbi and her father, who is neither Mark nor Peter, won an evening at the Camelot Castle Medieval Feast.
  8. Mr. Simms, who isn't Jack, isn't Caitlin's father.
  9. Mark and his daughter, who aren't the Tarrs, sat at a different table than Caitlin and her dad.
  10. Neither Kevin nor Mr. Rivera is the Great Adventures Park prize winner.
  11. Neither Mark and his daughter nor Mr. Simms and his sat at the same table as Beth and her dad.
  12. April and her father, who isn't Peter, aren't the pair who won the day skiing at Alpine Meadows Ski Lodge.
  13. Mr. Wilson and his daughter didn't win the door prize donated by Great Adventures Park.
  14. Neither Caitlin and her father nor the Wilsons won the door prize donated by Barry's Bowlarama.

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