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Maxy's MiniBus
Who gets on and who gets off at different downtown streets?
June 11, 2007
From the introduction, five riders got on the empty minibus at Oak Avenue, with one of these five then getting off at each stop in order 1st through 4th Street and one riding all the way to Maple Ave.; a new rider got on the minibus at each stop 1st-4th Street and rode all the way to Maple Avenue. By clue 4, after the minibus dropped off a rider and picked up a new rider at 2nd Street, the five passengers were Alice, Chad, Rouse, Updike, and Voight. By clue 1, Heather got off the minibus when Olsen got on. If Olsen had gotten on at 1st or 2nd Street, Olsen would be Chad--no (clue 6)--or Alice--no (8). So, Olsen got on and Heather got off the minibus at 3rd or 4th Street--4th Street (1). By clue 9, Grace Thoreau got on the minibus one street after Ian got on. Grace Thoreau cannot be one of the five in clue 4, so she had to get on the bus at 3rd Street and Ian then at 2nd Street. By clue 5, Beth Quick got off Maxy's Mini-Bus one street after Smith got on. Beth Quick isn't one of the passengers in clue 4; she had to have departed the vehicle at 2nd Street with Smith then getting on at 1st. Smith must be either Chad or Alice in clue 4--Chad (8). David got off the vehicle at a later stop than Walker got off (3), so he must have got off at 3rd Street and be one of the passengers in clue 4; by clue 10, David is Updike. Walker got off at 1st Street. Since Ian got on at 2nd Street and isn't Rouse (2), he must be Voight in clue 4. Since Alice was on the minibus after 2nd Street, she must have been an original passenger; and since we know she didn't get off at 3rd or 4th Street, Alice rode all the way from Oak Avenue to Maple Avenue. Since Faith was on the minibus when it got to Maple Avenue (7), she is Olsen. Erin is Walker. In clue 4, since Alice didn't get off the minibus, Rouse must have and is Heather. Alice is Price. In sum, then, Alice Price took Maxy's MiniBus from Oak Avenue to Maple Avenue and watched the others get on and off as follows:

  • 1st Street -- Erin Walker off, Chad Smith on
  • 2nd Street -- Beth Quick off, Ian Voight on
  • 3rd Street -- David Updike off, Grace Thoreau on
  • 4th Street -- Heather Rouse off, Faith Olsen on

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