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The Sports Columnists
A different Sentinel columnist discusses a different sport each day Monday-Saturday.
November 5, 2007
Neither Lana (clue 3), Andrew (5), Dan (6), nor Mike (8) writes Saturday's sports section column for the Summerset Sentinel, so either Greta or Tony does. By clue 3, Lana's column appears the day before the golf column, which isn't written by Tony (1) or Greta (9); therefore, Lana's column also doesn't appear on Fridays. Andrew's column doesn't appear on Fridays (5). By clue 6, Dan's column is in the newspaper the day before Swift's; since Swift isn't Greta or Tony (4), Dan's column isn't Friday's. Mike also doesn't do Friday's column (8). So, Greta and Tony write Friday's and Saturday's columns or vice versa. If Greta wrote the Saturday and Tony the Friday sports column, by clue 1, Young would write Thursday's column. By clue 5, Andrew's, Parker's, and the high school sports columns appear on consecutive days. Since neither Young (7) nor Greta (9) writes the column about high school sports, Andrew would write Monday's column and Parker Tuesday's, with the high school sports column in Wednesday's edition. Since Tony doesn't write the golf column (1), by clue 3, Lana would write the column appearing on Wednesdays and Young would write the golf column. Swift isn't Tony (4), so Dan would write Tuesday's column and Lana would be Swift (6). Mike would be Young, with Tony then writing about basketball and Greta being Brady (8). However, there is no way for clue 2 to work given this arrangement. Therefore, Greta's doesn't write Saturday's column; her work appears Fridays and Tony's Saturdays. Greta is Young (1). Since Greta doesn't cover high school sports (9), by clue 5, Andrew's column appears in the Sentinel on Monday or Tuesday. If Andrew's column were in the paper Mondays, Parker's would appear Tuesdays and high school sports would be Wednesday's topic (5). Since Greta doesn't cover golf in her column (9), by clue 3, Lana would do Wednesday's column and golf would be Thursday's topic. Dan would be Parker and Lana Swift (6). Mike would write the golf column, with Greta covering basketball and Tony Brady (8). By clue 10, Dan would cover football. However, there is no way for clue 11 to work given this arrangement. Therefore, Andrew's column doesn't appear on Mondays; it is in the Tueday edition of the Sentinel, with Parker's column in Wednesday's and the high school sports column in Thursday's. Since Greta doesn't cover golf in her column (9), by clue 3, Lana does Monday's column and golf is Andrew's Tuesday topic. Dan is Parker and Swift covers high school sports (6). Mike is Swift, with Greta covering basketball and Tony being Brady (8). Dan writes a field and stream column, and Andrew is columnist Waller (11). Lana Quinn covers football (10). Tony Brady covers horse racing. In sum, the five sports columns appear in the Summerset Sentinel as follows:

  • Monday -- Lana Quinn, football
  • Tuesday -- Andrew Waller, golf
  • Wednesday -- Dan Parker, field and stream
  • Thursday -- Mike Swift, high school sports
  • Friday -- Greta Young, basketball
  • Saturday -- Tony Brady, horse racing

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