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Sid Slapdash and His New Year's Resolutions
Will Sid break his 2008 resolution as quickly as he did those in 2003-2007?
December 31, 2007
From the introduction, Sid Slapdash made a different New Year's resolution every year from 2003-2007 and then very quickly broke it in from 1-5 days. By clue 4, the year after Sid broke the resolution in 1 day he broke his resolution to stop drinking coffee. The resolution broken in 1 day wasn't made in 2005 (clue 6), 2006 (1), or 2007 (4) and was made in 2003 or 2004. If the resolution Sid broke in 1 day were made in 2004, he would have resolved to stop drinking coffee in 2005 (4). Since his resolution to take the family dog Snoop on every walk wasn't made in 2007 (5), by clue 2, Sid would have resolved to eat five fruits and vegetables a day in 2003 and to walk the dog in 2004. However, neither Sid's resolution to exercise on his treadmill for 30 minutes (1) nor his resolution to go on the North Beach diet (3) was made in 2006--so this arrangement cannot work. The resolution Sid broke in 1 day wasn't made in 2004 and was made in 2003; he resolved to stop drinking coffee in 2004 (4). Since his resolution to take the family dog on every walk wasn't made in 2007 (5), by clue 2, Sid resolved to eat five fruits and vegetables a day in 2005 and to walk the dog in 2006. Sid resolved to walk on his treadmill in either 2003 or 2007. If he resolved to walk on his treadmill in 2007 and thus to go on the North Beach Diet in 2003, by clue 6, his 2005 resolution would have lasted 2 days. Since his resolution to walk Snoop didn't last 5 days (5), by clue 1, it would have lasted 4 days and his treadmill decision 3 days. By elimination, his 2004 resolution would have lasted 5 days--no (7). So, Sid resolved to walk on his treadmill in 2003 and thus to go on the North Beach Diet in 2007. By clue 1, his 2006 resolution lasted 2 days. Neither Sid's 2004 (7) nor 2007 (6) resolution lasted 5 days, so his 2005 one did. Then he was on the North Beach Diet for 4 days (6) and quit drinking coffee for 3 days. In sum, Sid's New year's resolutions from 2003 through 2007 lasted as follows:

  • 2003 -- exercise on treadmill 30 minutes a day, 1 day
  • 2004 -- stop drinking coffee, 3 days
  • 2005 -- eat five fruits and vegetables a day, 5 days
  • 2006 -- take Snoop on every walk, 2 days
  • 2007 -- go on the North Beach Diet, 4 days

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