Sid Slapdash Plays Santa Claus
Sid Slapdash doesn't last the first hour as Santa Claus.
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At Spacy's Department Store on Black Friday, Sid Slapdash, replete with dyed white beard and pillow-filled red suit, made his debut as Santa Claus. Unfortunately, Sid's career as the North Pole legend lasted only five children! It seems each of the first five in line asked Sid--er, Santa--for a Christmas present intended for someone much older than him or her, one requesting an iPod--a wish which Sid--er, Santa--readily promised would be under the family tree on Christmas morning. After hearing from the irate parents, Spacy's manager had to fire Sid--er, Saint--Nick. Given the clues below, can you track in order 1st-5th Sid Slapdash's career as Santa Claus: the full name and age (each is a different age from 4- to 8-years-old) of each child and the wish list request Sid--er, Santa--granted him or her?

  1. Amanda, who isn't the Sparks child, isn't the one who asked for a video camera.
  2. Immediately after Jeremy sat on Sid's--er, Santa's--knee, the child who wants an HDTV put in a request; the 4-year-old was later than these two in line to see Santa Claus.
  3. Emily, who isn't the 8-year-old, and the Good child burst into tears when their parents told them they weren't getting the big gift promised them.
  4. Kristin, who isn't the 4-year-old, isn't the one whose wish list has an HDTV on it.
  5. The child who asked for a video camera sat on Sid's--er, Santa's--knee sometime later than the Sparks child, who immediately followed Emily in line to talk to the great bearded one.
  6. The Mason child isn't the 5-year-old.
  7. The cell phone request didn't come from the 3rd child in line.
  8. The child who asked for the HDTV, who isn't the 6-year-old, and the Wilder child didn't ask for presents other than the too-big ones.
  9. The 8-year-old immediately followed Chad on Sid's--er, Santa's--knee, while the Decker child was later to talk to the jolly elf.
  10. Jeremy, who isn't the Sparks child, and the 5-year-old were both dressed in red outfits for the visit to Santa's workshop.
  11. The Good child was immediately followed in line by the child, not the 4-year-old, who wants a laptop for Christmas.