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Visiting Doctors
Pete Pillman visits doctors with the latest information on new drugs to help patients.
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November 29, 2004
Last Tuesday, in his job representing Mercy Pharmaceuticals, Pete Pillman visited five medical offices in the Summerset Healing Arts Building. Each office is a practice of two doctors, one being Dr. Zhivago, with a different medical specialty; and each is on a different floor 1st-5th in the building. Given the following clues, can you determine the order 1st-5th in which Pete Pillman called on the five offices: the two doctors in each practice, their specialty, and the floor on which they have space?

  1. After leaving the neurology office, Pillman went up two floors to call on Dr. Seuss and his partner.
  2. Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Brothers aren't part of the same practice.
  3. Dr. Scholl's partner isn't Dr. Welby.
  4. Dr. Spock and his partner have spaces one floor above Dr. Casey and his; Dr. Casey and his partner aren't the ones specializing in pediatrics.
  5. After talking to Dr. Brothers in her office, Pete Pillman went up three floors to visit the orthopedic surgery practice.
  6. The office of Drs. Livingstone and Howser isn't the one Pillman called on first.
  7. After visiting Dr. Welby and his partner, Pete Pillman went down four floors to talk to Dr. Jekyll and his associate.
  8. The cardiology office, which isn't where Dr. Brothers works, is on a lower floor than the psychiatry practice.

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